Lose the Jargon

August 28, 2012 § Leave a comment

Every group of people, particularly at work, has its own vocabulary and on rare occasions it is accurate and/or useful shorthand. Those occasions are not in my daily world. I have a physical reaction to certain words and phrases, including:

1) Ping: “Can you ping John and see if 11am works for the call?” No, but I can email or call him. Let’s use real verbs shall we?
2) Touch-base: “We have a touch-base every Wednesday to run through project updates.” I fail to understand why the word meeting is no longer sufficient. I understand touching base, but changing this into a noun bothers me.
3) In the weeds: “Dude, I have so many presentations to turn today, totally in the weeds.” So Patrick Bateman.

We would all be better served using our real words rather than adopting the short hand (or at least much thereof) ingrained in the cultures we join. Don’t drink the Kool-Aid.

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